Released in 2020, the Humanist album is the brainchild of Rob Marshall (formerly of Exit Calm who I remember seeing in nottingham in the mid/late noughties….got a homemade cd of theirs somewhere….excellent band….anyway I digress…). Rob gathered some luminaries to sing and play on this album and the sound he has managed to conjure up makes your hair stand on end.
My favourite track on the album is this one – Kingdom, featuring the unmistakeable Mark Lanegan – a voice like molten lava spreading down a mountainside. The vocal performance is epic, the menacing layered synths and guitars swirl around, but the thing I love most about this track is the drums….mummy how do I get my drums to sound like that?
Edit: a week after I posted this, we had the sad news that Mark Lanegan left us – his voice was epic and inspiring, we will always have that. RIP Mark.